Thursday, January 07, 2021

Onwards 2021

2020 had a fast and furious working end to get everything in its right place before holidays were started. Despite not publishing a blog in the month of December, I did start writing extensively for two projects of my own, one of my memoirs and one of my thoughts. 

Memoirs might sound like a premature thing to be writing, especially as I have a blog which acts as a diary and has quite faithfully recorded my life and moments since 2004. But I am now in a period of my life where I am more aware of the loss of my memories. It is also well known that a memory remembered is a memory recreated and thus more liable to error. The use of a good diary or memoir is to freeze it in its earliest iteration before much confabulation enters into it. 

The writing on my thoughts I wish to have a clear arc of how I think and value things at this time, purely descriptive but hopefully help me think through what I think and how I got to where I am philosophically.

My blog will be just a journal of the day and what I see, experience and think at the moment, but may also have some writing that don't work in the two projects, and also once any part of the two projects are how I want them to be, I might publish them here.   

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