Monday, January 24, 2005

Damnit Squared

I got an e-mail today saying that the position that I had most of my hopes pinned on has been taken by someone other than me. Time for a big re-evaluation of what I am going to be doing.


James said...

That really sucks. I think that you would be a great teacher, so it is surprising that you haven't been offered a teaching position yet.

Are there many schools that you are still waiting to hear back from?

Crypticity said...

Yeah, there are some schools that have not got back to me but the majority are positions starting in the second term, which is annoying, but provided I am still aiming to teach this year, are still quite acceptable.

BUT at the same time, I cannot afford to pin my hopes on them either. I am not going to wait till mid-February to find again that I have no school to call home.

So I am evaluating slightly different jobs, overseas short term ESOL teaching and ways to be productive and active in the in between time.