Monday, February 16, 2009

The Eve of Change

This evening I prepare for the end of one phase, but not yet the start of another. My mind knows, but, perhaps, hasn't really realised yet the imminence of it all. Of the next step, I barely have a few paper scratchings and a recurring lyric. I aim for another dalliance down a rabbit-hole of fate. That would be my middle name, after all. I pray it is creatively fecund; never a bolt hole, nor a black hole.

1 comment:

Crypticity said...

I bid Wellington farewell in my green shirt. It was a bit ruffled; I felt a little ruffled. I had prepared extensively for the day on the Thursday evening, finally retiring at 10:30pm only to find sleep hard to come by until after midnight. I believe a little anxiety had crept in my ear.

I woke at 4:50am, and went to the airport, and flew for the last time on my morning flight. I scrambled to work, and went into my perfect classroom, and immediately started to bag my resources. My first student came in interrupting me; she came saturated; a weather bomb had descended that morning. The one who followed her was too! My next two were keen; the next two sombre; the last three swept by. Overall, it was a good day of tuition - but fortunately it wasn't goodbye just yet: I had a farewell dinner to attend to!

We bundled over to a Thai place of note. One student I hadn't seen for some time decided to lure me into a vegetarian debate. I was the martial art master fending him off with a single hand. My food was spicy, all others who ate from my bowl, choked: weak Europeans. I finished it off with glee and, after a frenzy of hugs and handshakes, turned and left.

But in one last fit of pique, Wellington refused to let me go so easily. I had one of my few flight delays tonight. I only returned here at midnight and it is now that I rest my head.