Thursday, April 23, 2015


In Chinese philosophy, as well as many of the great philosophies and religions of the world, there has been an emphasis on human virtues placed equal to, and sometimes in the superior position to, truth itself. In the past this annoyed me somewhat: the conduct of a single man matters little to the Great Truth. But definitely older, hopefully wiser, I see things differently. Knowledge has always been different to wisdom. I remember trying to explain the original Pope quote "A little learning is a dang'rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring." in high school, and not succeeding.

I recently had an Internet interaction with a smart friend of mine, decrying the lack of humility people feel, how they're so quick to assert their truth on others. And all the time he was holding a truth so strongly that he'd like it to be held highest without question. I can only return to the wisdom of the greatest religions that might occasionally put the greatest truth subordinate to individual virtue, and seek to be silent and humble in the face of conflicting truths.

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