Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On the verge of winter

Next week the formal start of winter will pass (I prefer Winter Solstice as an appropriate beginning but nevermind). It will also bring in my year anniversary of my residence in the Cheng household. The year till today has been filled with joys and challenges, and I'm glad I have had the opportunity to live here. It is still something that I was surprised had come to pass and I'm still grateful for it.

When I came, the winter knocked me rather suddenly. This house is a lot colder than my mother's home with chillblains, numb extremities and dampness causing me all sorts of discomfort. I'm prepared this time.

This time last year was also my reinvention as a green-thumbed gardner. Now, suddenly, again, I'm gripped in a fascination with the botanical world. The wormfarm again is the provider of wonders - the tops of corncobs sprouted; potatoes scraps have too; while others come from random sources, a rosemary branch from the roadside is continuing to grow in some collected soil; an avocado seed split apart to grow a sapling; the 'dead' avocado plant I had put in the front yard has come back to life with new leaves.

Recently I have begun the pruning at one of my clients too. By the end of the month, I'll be 'graduating' two long term classes and decreasing the hours on another. It is the right choice as those students have had a long time to improve and their progress has flattened out. In a way this could be an opportunity to revitalise my roll. One of those classes felt 'stagant'. Freeing up hours and having my services readvertised to all the managers opens up the chance to have new challenges. Of course, there is the risk of my hours being permanently decreased but this has to be accepted. It was never going to be forever.

Meanwhile, Winter Solstice (June 23) and Blue Moon (30 June) celebrations are on the mind. As well as tree-planting opportunities and viewing Jupiter and Mercury in the evenings. I have had trouble keeping the activity side of things active. That is my focus for now.


Crypticity said...


Oh, the troubles of living in a tilted, jilted world and having an erratic memory.

The Blue Moon is in July. Due to the full moon officially being July 1st 2am, rather than in June as I had expected I'll have to wait another month before any celebration on that date... And June 23 is not the Winter Solstice! It is actually June 21 (at 6:46pm). And regrettably that is Thursday. I'll have to think about how I'll celebrate that.

Fortunately, Matariki is on June 16th! A Saturday! I'm crossing my fingers for a clear morning and an early wake-up. Matariki will rise shortly after 6am.

Crypticity said...

Ug, and even that had a mistake: Winter Solstice is 6:06am on 22nd June.