Monday, July 05, 2004

What problem?

And so, despite my prognostications and mildly uneasy open thoughts on the subject, my blood test has returned without any cause to be alarmed. No need to even go in for a chat with the doctor apparently, or so said the message on my cellphone. I want the raw numbers to compare with those from my preceding tests but otherwise I am pleasantly relieved.

But then what of my run of illness?
Maybe I wear myself down too much.
Maybe there is something wrong with what I eat.
Or perhaps, I should just remind myself that getting sick is all part of the rite of passage for a beginning teacher, and that is what I am becoming~

Maybe I have been thinking too much.
A chronic illness perhaps.
I wonder whether I should go through with getting the health insurance I was getting.
But I can wipe medical fees from my budget for now, and that has to be good for my liquidity until October the 1st.


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