Monday, August 16, 2004

Deja vu

The first day on practicum and... my associate teacher is ill. A reliever was in and I was rather inactive time. My associate apparently will be in tomorrow, and she sounds a much acclaimed teacher. Her classroom doesn't show it unfortunately but I am still optimistic.

I think I learnt over half of the names of the children and many of the staff. I slipped into two old habits and now am writing in my new Planning And Reflections file why these came about and what I am going to do to change them.

The class is entirely different to my previous classes. The majority are Paakehaa. Pacific Is./Maaori come in second with only one Chinese boy and two or so indian children. Edendale Primary School, my first practicum and a fifteen minute walk away, was the polar opposite.

Due to the absence of my associate, I came home before 3:30pm, which was a nice relief and a nice start to the week. It will only get heavier and it is nice not to feel mentally incapacitated at the end of the first day.

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