Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Backstabbed and sabotaged! They are all applicable. This event so foul, yet so predictable. I had anticipated it happening at some stage and this is the act that it has come.

It started out fine. I slept well last night. I prepared well for class and had everything at hand when needed. My associate was in the class most of the time and gave me three pages of precious feedback on my performance. It was a bumpy ride at times but I was in control until about 2:45pm. Then my associate took over and dismissed the children.

Then I prepared for the next day. I found good resources and photocopied them. Then after chatting with my associate I left and at the intersection of Balmoral and Dominion, I suddenly remembered, I had to do some shopping. This annoyed me somewhat as I was exhausted and ready for a lie down. This is when things turn awry. I headed to St Lukes Foodtown changing hands with my now full black filing organiser that I take everywhere. It was about a 15 minute walk, I walked thinking about what I could do tomorrow. I bought my food, where the lady put all my groceries (quite heavy stuff too) into one plastic bag. I walked out carrying it and changed it from one hand to another, stopping briefly to put some of the heavier stuff in my backpack.

Home I went, did all my chores, made dinner, resucitated myself so I could work on preparation for the next day. It was 8:45pm, when I looked for my black filing organiser. It was not home. It had taken me 4 hours to notice that I was missing a kilo plus of documentation, school journals and notes. It had the forementioned precious feedback too. And I don't have a clue, where I have left it. Foodtown St Lukes is shut till 8am tomorrow, and will be the first point of call in the search for it tomorrow. I will be rushed looking for it and then preparing my lessons tomorrow. IT MIGHT NOT EVEN BE THERE. If I have lost my documents, I need to redo all of them before the University moderator comes on the Thursday.


1 comment:

James said...

Damn. It's all hand-written stuff too, I assume?