Thursday, August 19, 2004


This day is notable in that it is the first day that I was overcome by tiredness upon arriving home.

It is also interesting that in an age where obesity is often describe as epidemic, that many schools including this school fundraise by giving EVERY child a box of 20 90g Cadbury Caramello chocolate bars. The children don't get to choose, they have to bring it home, and sell what they can and bring back the remainder (even if all of it). That must be part of the sponsorship agreement as well as the most simple way of doing things. Many children got two boxes, one exclaiming that he was going to eat one box by himself and sell the other box.

1 comment:

James said...

It reminds me of a book that we read for English in Form 4, "The Chocolate War". It was about a school fundraising programme where the students also had to sell chocolate. One of the students was against the programme and he was persecuted by his classmates. This was encouraged by the school administration.